sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2008

Yes We Can

4 comentarios:

Astrágalo dijo...

I am sure that owama will go out as president, sera the only way of seeing America of another form with regard to the world. For many years north Americans need a change in his policies and to stop giving the image of the owners of the world, now already they form a part of the minority, have his crises financial and need the support of other countries, it is a good sign. I am sure that this change was benefiting to America. OWAMA FOR PRESIDENT...

Anónim@ dijo...

:O ojazos :O asi me has dejado con el comentario ^^

OWAMA for President

Isamar dijo...

Jajaja, sorprendida me hallo con el bilingüismo de astrágalo... Qué pena que los traductores no sean todo lo bueno que se espera de ellos ;)

KAMELUCHA,.,.,.,.,., dijo...

Ya es presidente ufff
con una gran diferencia,,,yaaa
esque no me dios sueñito y
ahi va a ser otorgadoo si señorer
USA tiene un presidente de color
aunque a muchos no le gustennn,